Willy Woo

Willy Woo

Formal First Name
Willy (Willy)

Willy Woo is the Founder of The Bitcoin Forecast, a leading market intelligence newsletter focused on Bitcoin. He is an industry pioneer of on-chain analysis who also blogs about cryptocurrency investments at woobull.com. More than 350,000 investors and traders follow him for his data-rich insights. In addition, Woo is active on Twitter and Telegram, where he continuously provides trading feedback. He has been launching multiple startups for over 15 years. He also advised venture capital funds and hedge funds as part of that journey.

Professional Experience

  • His Bitcoin career started in 2013 as a technologist researching crypto investments with a data-centric approach.
  • He often appears on webcasts and conferences for his expertise in analyzing the structure of the crypto-asset markets.
  • His tweets are featured in third-party media articles on a daily basis.
  • He was a dedicated angel investor and a trader during the 2008 Financial Crisis.
  • He now dedicates much of his time to data-driven analysis on crypto-currency markets.
  • He constantly provided Bitcoin price forecasts in 2020.
  • He is one of the few who gave a shout about the Bitcoin price of $300,000 in 2021.
  • He has written for Forbes and CoinDesk, rising to a top-5 analyst positioning by 2017. 
  • He has appeared as a guest on Real Vision.