12 Months to $1 Million

12 Months to $1 Million

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12 Months to $1 Million: How to Pick a Winning Product, Build a Real Business, and Become a Seven-Figure Entrepreneur

In 12 Months to $1 Million, Ryan Daniel Moran, founder of Capitalism.com, details one fast-paced year that has helped hundreds of new entrepreneurs hit the million-dollar level by using an exclusive and foolproof formula. This book details the exact steps that new entrepreneurs need to take to identify a winning product idea, launch it quickly and profitably, and bring it to $1 million or more in the first year. Moran provides a one-year plan that will guide you through the three stages to your first $1 million: The Grind (Months 0-4), The Growth (Months 5-8), and The Gold (Months 9-12). Through his training sessions at Capitalism.com, Moran has helped new and experienced entrepreneurs launch scalable and sustainable online businesses.


"Ryan has been on my podcast several times, and I enjoy watching his journey. As douchey as this title is, I am confident that it will inspire a new kind of entrepreneur."

Gary Vaynerchuk, chairman of VaynerX, and bestselling author

"Ryan has used his own challenges—and the knowledge of so many inspiring and successful entrepreneurs that came before us—to outline a recipe that will make it so much easier to expand your business and yourself. Pay attention and reap the benefits!"

—Suzy Batiz, creator and CEO of Poo~Pourri and supernatural

"With the world as polarized as it is, it takes a special ability to present a unifying message around business, money, and capitalism, and Ryan does just that. I've never seen someone provide such a detailed playbook to hitting your first million, and there is no one better to do this than Ryan Daniel Moran."

—JP Sears, comedian, author, and host of Awaken With JP