Am I Being Too Subtle?

Am I Being Too Subtle?

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Am I Being Too Subtle?: Straight Talk From a Business Rebel

The traits that make Sam Zell one of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs also make him one of the most surprising, enigmatic, and entertaining mavericks in American business. Am I Being Too Subtle takes readers on a ride across his business terrain, sharing with honesty and humor stories of the times he got it right, when he didn’t, and most important, what he learned in the process. This is an indispensable guide for the next generation of disrupters, entrepreneurs, and investors.

Praise for Am I Being Too Subtle

“The notoriously blunt businessman shares the ups and downs of his career and the lessons he’s learned in business—with just a little profanity—in a new book, Am I Being Too Subtle???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????”

The Wall Street Journal

“A highly readable and revealingly personal book filled with unique insights and unvarnished straight talk about business, people—their quirks and potentials—and about life itself.”

— The Huffington Post


“Here we have the real Sam Zell: one of our nation’s most interesting, provocative, and successful practitioners of business and life. He’s a wise man who hates fuzzy thinking. He is a biker, wearer of leathers and jeans and boots and his signature quirky beard. He points his skis straight downhill. You know, all the usual things that the few really smart (but not too smart for their own good) business people do.”

Steve Roth, Chairman and CEO of Vornado Realty Trust