Biotech Analysis Central

Biotech Analysis Central

Biotech Analysis Central is a research service for both new and seasoned investors looking to gain knowledge in the biotechnology space. Editor Terry Chrisomalis aims to help investors better understand what they are buying by teaching them how to do proper due diligence on biotech companies and providing actionable ideas on small-large cap biotechnology stocks through deep analysis. The platform primarily covers news, analysis, and opinions related to biotech companies, developments in biotech research, clinical trials, regulatory updates, and market trends.


  • Biotech Analysis Central features contributions from analysts and experts who specialize in the biotech sector. 

  • These contributors often provide detailed analyses of biotech stocks, potential investment opportunities, and risks.

  • The service also helps short-term traders discover potential catalysts, and long-term investors round out their speculative portfolio.


  • Full Access to 600+ Premium archived articles that have been written by Terry Chrisomalis

  • Seeking Alpha's unconditional money-back guarantee.

  • Archived posts from the editor that the public doesn't have access to.

  • Model 10 Stock Portfolio - 10+ small-cap and mid-cap biotech stocks that drive both short-term and long-term value - additional small-caps and mid-caps may be added over time

  • Deep Analysis of Model 10+ Stock portfolio - Analysis of the whole company to make a better investment decision

  • 4 Weekly Exclusive BAC Articles [Articles only to "full tier" service subscribers]

  • Biotech Analysis Central Stock Insight Series - A biotech that is promising and has some upcoming or soon to be upcoming catalysts

  • Biotech Analysis Central News Series -- Additional deep analysis of biotechs that release positive or negative clinical data - analyzed research of data and entire company, my analysis, and my actionable recommendation

  • Biotech analysis Central Update Series - These articles will be uptates from the "News Series, Model 10+ Portfolio, and Stock Insight Series" portions of the service

  • Biotech Tips Series - Posting of biotech tips that one must be aware of when investing in this sector

  • Live chat with other like-minded biotech investors