Covered Calls for Beginners

Covered Calls for Beginners

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Covered Calls for Beginners: A Risk-Free Way to Collect "Rental Income" Every Single Month on Stocks You Already Own

If you are worried about the current market uncertainty, covered calls are your antidote to chaos. You can use them to generate safe returns, no matter what happens to your stock. Covered calls aren’t risky when used correctly they actually decrease your risk. Even the most conservative investors can benefit from adding covered call writing to their investment strategy. Even if you know nothing about options, Covered Calls for Beginners will get you right up to speed.

What you’ll discover inside this book:

  • The 6 criteria used to select the best stocks to write covered calls on
  • The vital difference between covered and uncovered calls
  • Why you shouldn’t write covered calls in an IRA
  • How to use covered calls to lower the purchase price of stocks you already own
  • 3 rules for adjusting your covered call 
  • A simple strategy for selecting the right strike price
  • How to find the best covered call stocks for free
  • How to get started with covered calls if you only have a small account