Creativity Sucks!

Creativity Sucks!

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Creativity Sucks!: How to Generate Million Dollar Ideas in 60 Seconds or Less

Creativity Sucks contains all the little-known secrets of how information and Internet millionaire marketers come up with trailblazing ideas for money-making info-products. You will generate tons of usable product ideas every single day that can pull in daily cash profits, even a full-time income. Inside Creativity Sucks, you'll discover every single powerhouse tip, trick, and the secret to instantly generate dozens upon dozens of powerful money-making ideas for online or offline information products. If you need a boost or a jumpstart to help you get your million-dollar idea, you need to get Creativity Sucks now.

Praise for Creativity Sucks!

"Any time I get stuck for ideas, I know that I have a gold mine right on my computer, your book! If anyone is looking for a way to make money on the net and doesn't have a product of their own, this book should be your bible!" 

— Dave Mizrachi, President of Atomic Media Works

"Believe me, Creativity Sucks can get just about anyone started generating money-making ideas. Creativity Sucks should be in every entrepreneur's personal library, and it's cheap, too. If you can't generate a money-making idea using the tools in this book, you can't be helped. Order your personal copy today even if you have to swipe the money from the kids' piggy bank."

— Jim Straw, the Publisher of The Worldwide Business Exchange and author of multiple mail-order books, recently wrote:

"Perfect timing! I needed an instant brainstorm and the ideas I got helped me decide to move on one project that I wasn't sure about. Now it's putting an extra $500.00 to $1,000.00 per month (in my pocket), and the others will eventually put several thousand in my pocket!"

— Brian Maroevich, President of  Avalanche Response Marketing Systems