Credit Spread Options for Beginners

Credit Spread Options for Beginners

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Credit Spread Options for Beginners: Turn Your Most Boring Stocks into Reliable Monthly Paychecks using Call, Put & Iron Butterfly Spreads Even If The Market is Doing Nothing

With credit spreads, every single trade pays you when you enter it. And you can use these to generate safe returns, no matter what happens to your stock. Unlike regular options trading, you do not even need to guess the direction of a stock, or what price it will be in a month. You only have to guess a price range. You can win as often as 85 times out of every 100 trades—which means you pile up profits that others can only dream about. All of this without paying a trading guru thousands of dollars to learn their system.

What you’ll discover inside this book:

  • The 8 criteria used to select the best stocks to write credit spreads
  • The vital difference between naked and uncovered calls
  • 10 examples of stock you should never use to trade credit spreads
  • How to automatically set up take profit levels so you only have to spend a couple of minutes each month managing your trades
  • Options Greeks explained in 10 minutes 
  • Exactly what level the VIX should be at before you sell a spread
  • A simple strategy for selecting the right strike price for your options 
  • The only 3 technical indicators you need to know for credit spreads
  • How to set up your trades to avoid any big losses
  • How to find the best credit spreads stocks for free