Damodaran on Valuation

Damodaran on Valuation

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Damodaran on Valuation: Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance

Damodaran on Valuation remains as the most reliable book for addressing many of today’s essential valuation questions. It looks at valuation from the standpoint of both the internal corporate strategist and the external portfolio manager, offering the most comprehensive and straightforward examination of the methods and models necessary for performing valuations. In addition, the book addresses what are often left as loose ends in valuation: how best to deal with cash, non-operating assets, and employee stock options when valuing a company; the value of control and synergy; and the repercussions of illiquidity, distress, and absence of transparency for asset value.

"Aswath Damodaran is simply the best valuation teacher around. If you are interested in the theory or practice of valuation, you should have Damodaran on Valuation on your bookshelf. You can bet that I do."

Michael J. Mauboussin, Chief Investment Strategist, Legg Mason Capital Management and author of More Than You Know: Finding Financial Wisdom in Unconventional Places

"Damodaran on Valuation is a marvel. The combination of expositional simplicity and conceptual rigor in this book is a rarity in the field of finance; rarer still is the clarity of ideas that simultaneously informs and delights. I do not believe that one can claim to be a serious practitioner—or, for that matter, teacher—of business valuation without mastering the ideas presented in this definitive piece of work."

Professor Anant K. Sundaram, Faculty Director of Executive Education, Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College

"Professor Damodaran does an excellent job of incorporating public and private company valuation issues in one volume. It's full of 'how tos' in dealing with difficult technical issues not usually addressed in text books, making it a great discussion tool and resource for both the student and the valuation professional. This is a great addition to any valuation library or training program."

Scott A. Nammacher, CFA, ASA, Managing Director, Empire Valuation Consultants, LLC