Day Trading Options for a Living

Day Trading Options for a Living

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Day Trading Options for a Living: Advanced Trading Strategies to Earn Income Online in Futures, Cryptocurrency, Stocks, Forex, & Option Contracts

Day Trading Options for a Living helps ensure that you have everything you need in order to start out trading options as effectively as possible. The fact of the matter is that a majority of the process involves research and having the determination to make a plan and execute on it no matter what, all you need to do is learn what it is you are looking for. This book is the answer if you are looking for a way to ditch your boring old 9-to-5 job but aren’t interested in something that simply replaces that with the drudgery of working online.

Inside you will find

  • A complete breakdown of all the different types of options and what each means for your future trading career
  • All the ways you can put options to work for you, right now.
  • All the lingo you need to sound like you know what you are talking about when it comes to options trading
  • A detailed breakdown of all of the types of risk you will need to be aware of to trade options successfully
  • A complete look at all the various factors that go into determining the current price of a specific option
  • Everything you need to do in order to personal a trading plan to ensure your success
  • A step by step walkthrough for placing your first trade
  • Strategies for beginners
  • Tips for success
  • And more…