Dynamic Trading with Weekly Options

Dynamic Trading with Weekly Options


Dynamic Trading with Weekly Options describes just how popular and available weekly options are, considering their wide range of stocks and exchange traded funds, with limited capital but promising returns. With various tips and practical examples to approach the market in a dynamic way, it also features strategies that require minimal capital, keeping risk under control. The authors also shared strategies that are suitable for day trading, swing trading, preparations to use stop loss orders, and rules of entry and exit as well.

Table of Contents

            - Price, in the money, out of the money

            - Intrinsic and time value

            - Volatility and expectations

            - Historic vs implied volatility

            - What are they

            - Characteristics

  • Some technicalities

            - Order entry

            - Conditional orders, Stop loss orders

            - Commissions

            - Assignments

  • Setting up your charts

            - Heikin Ashi Charts

  • About Strategies

            - Buying weekly calls or puts

            - Spreads

            - Iron condors

  • Dynamic trading approach
  • Selection of candidates
  • Squeezes
  • Situational setups
  • Trading on a Squeeze breakout

            - The long entry rules

            - The short entry rules

  • Stops and exit
  • Note
  • Example for a squeeze breakout
  • Another squeeze breakout example
  • Lottery trades
  • Trading before earnings
  • Conclusion