Encyclopedia of Candlestick Charts

Encyclopedia of Candlestick Charts


Encyclopedia of Candlestick Charts is an easy-to-read resource that takes an in-depth look at 103 candlestick formations, from identification guidelines and statistical analysis of their behavior to detailed trading tactics. This book also includes chapters that contain important discoveries and statistical summaries, as well as a glossary of relevant terms and a visual index to make candlestick identification easy.

"This book is a handy reference for beginners to advanced Technical Analysts. It contains statistical data for the performance of over 100 Candlestick patterns in both bull and bear markets, offers identification guidelines, and explores the performance of tall versus short candles and shadows. Of particular interest are the chapters which delve into important discoveries and those which explain each Table entry in detail and discuss the methodologies behind them. A useful addition it the visual index. Overall the easy to read makes this book a welcome addition to most Technical Analysis bookcases."

IFTA Journal