Extreme Disruptions Trader

Extreme Disruptions Trader

Parent Entity

Extreme Disruptions Trader is a new higher-cost weekly trading advisory from David Fessler, a seasoned trader with over five decades of industry experience, including recommending Tesla stock back at the split-adjusted price of just $8 per share. It is a new research service dedicated to capitalizing on profit-gushing movements by the recommendation of smaller and disruptive companies, while making options trading recommendations to leverage those bets. Dave Fessler has a remarkable ability to make the complex science and technology behind each recommendation for investors to easily understand.

  • Extreme Disruptions Trader uses a combination of engineering experience and technical knowledge to identify coming disruptions and the companies best positioned to profit from them.
  • This newsletter serves as an innovation with the potential to upend entire industries and create new markets.

It seeks out answers to questions like:

  • What companies are leading the charge on this trend?
  • What kind of products do they have on the market?
  • What obstacles could they face on the road to mass adoption?
  • Will the impact of this trend be short term or long term?
  • Is the science behind it as sound as a bell or merely wishful thinking?
  • Is this something everyday investors can make money from?