
Fearful Master

Full Name
Fearful Master: A Second Look at the United Nations

Fearful Master looks at the United Nations charter as a communist-inspired, communist-controlled supranational organization. Driven by G. Edward Griffin, a writer, documentary producer, and founder of Freedom Force International, this book provides an eye-opening outlook at the foundations, founders, and early actions of the UN. He integrated an overall picture with extensive sources, documentations, and quotations that contends that the organization possesses enormous leftists’ power and influence over it. Fearful Master ends with Griffin’s critical economic provision that a free market can uplift impoverished societies and make them more prosperous.

PART 1: KATANGA - A Case History
1: The First Spade
2: Prologue to Tragedy
3: Seceding from Chaos
4: The Moderates
5: In the Last Resort
6: Ah, Peace
PART 2: THE MASTER PLANNERS - Communist Control of the United Nations
7: Baby Carriages
8: Under Every Bed
9: The Home Team
10: Neutrals and Non-Communists
PART 3: PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE - United Nations Capture of the American Mind
11: Animal Farm
12: Poison in the Air
13: The Fright Peddlers
PART 4: THE FEARFUL MASTER - The Present Reality—An Imminent Danger
14: A Substitute for Victory
15: The Silken Thread
16: The Dangerous Servant
17: Point of No Return
18: Our Last Best Hope