Fidelity Sector Investor

Fidelity Sector Investor

Fidelity Sector Investor is a weekly trading service intended to provide knowledge on what are the best sectors to own in this present time. It utilizes the FSI algorithm that helps subscribers trade into the right funds to get the best returns out of each sector in the market. Featuring three portfolios, each one consists of a number of holdings from different categories, such as healthcare, technology, utilities, and bonds, to name a few. Fidelity Sector Investor’s model portfolio isn't just for active traders, but also for longtime investors who embrace volatility.


Weekly emailed issues

Every Thursday morning Jim will send me his complete review of the Fidelity Sector Investor plan, his recommended trades for the week and a complete list of our current fund returns.

Performance updates on Jim’s three Fidelity Sector Investor Model Portfolios

The portfolios include Tactical Alpha, Tactical ETF-Only S&P 500 and Tactical Global Market Masters.

24-hour access to the member-only website

From my desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone, I’ll be able to read past online issues of the newsletter as well as review Jim’s model portfolios at my leisure.