
Global Macro Research

Global Macro Research is an economic and financial market analysis and forecasting service designed to give you the knowledge of what is coming. It provides differentiated and actionable contrarian value investment insights on global capital markets. This premium service helps members not only spot risks in the market but also adjust courses to make sure they protect their capital and are positioned for any outlook that might come up.


Monthly Macro Outlook

A report released between the 1st and 5th of each month that examines investment opportunities in the framework of the broader economic landscape including a range of key leading indicators. The global asset class universe is explored including stocks, yield, commodities, precious metals, bonds, alternatives, and cash equivalents.

Monthly Portfolio Review

A report released between the 15th and 20th of each month that provides a detailed review of the Model Portfolio from both an asset allocation perspective as well as a review of current and prospective individual holdings.

Chat Sessions

Global Macro Research holds twice-monthly Chat sessions with the agenda determined by current market events as well as questions raised by subscribers. Chat sessions remain archived for future review.

Special Reports

Articles posted once to twice a month with a focus on a timely specific theme or topic.