Global Risk Agility and Decision Making

Global Risk Agility and Decision Making

Full Name
Global Risk Agility and Decision Making: Organizational Resilience in the Era of Man-Made Risk

Global Risk Agility and Decision Making makes a compelling case for the need to bring traditional approaches to risk management and decision making into the 21st century. Readers will learn how risk management is being transformed from a business prevention function to a values-based framework for thriving in increasingly perilous times. From tackling governance structures and the tone at the top to advocating for greater transparency and adherence to value systems, Global Risk Agility and Decision Making will establish a new generation of risk leaders, with clarion voices calling for greater risk agility.

Praise for Global Risk Agility and Decision Making

"You have to manage risks before they manage you. Global Risk Agility provides a practical platform for greater risk governance at all layers of an organization and society. With this compelling work, we can no longer plead ignorance to the era of man-made risk, nor can we afford a slow search for causality. It is time to mount our defenses to the effects of cyber risk, terrorism, climate change and other interconnected threats, which Wagner and Disparte masterfully deconstruct in this book."

Tom Ridge, first U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security


"Globalization's' interconnectedness' is moderating our tribal savage instincts; Conflict has become a growth industry. This book reveals what diplomats know - if you accept a risk environment for its hidden opportunities, your interests will be greater, and better served. The rest is up to us—to be able to identify risks and realize those opportunities. The authors' lens adds clarity to this risk/opportunity landscape to illustrate that agility, not fear, will capture those opportunities. Wagner and Disparte split the atom on risk, and their book shows how to harness it."

Hugh T. Dugan, U.S. Department of State Career Diplomat 

"A true treasure chest of insights that provides the reader with a clear understanding of how risk can be managed. Global Risk Agility is a wonderful tour de force across the shifting landscapes of risk, providing deep insights about how to navigate our globalized and interconnected world. A must-read for business executives and anyone who has been entrusted with risk preparedness."

— Georg Kell, Chief Architect and former CEO of the United Nations Global Compact

"What I particularly valued about this book is the emphasis the author's place on the importance of achieving risk agility. Agile entrepreneurs always anticipate, innovate, and where possible, avoid headwinds, by changing tack and direction. Professional risk managers must do the same, and this book drives that point home very effectively."

Tony O. Elumelu, Chairman of Heirs Holdings

"Given the frequency with which international crises are occurring, and their consequences, it is important not only to read the right book about how to manage them but to do so at the right time. It certainly is the right time for political and business leaders alike to read "Global Risk Agility and Decision Making" — a book that provides great insight into how to manage man-made risks, and survive them in our increasingly unpredictable and dangerous world."

Guihong Zhong, Chief Risk Officer, Orient Minerva Asset Management


"This book effectively tackles the complex "man-made" risk factors that must inform our collective risk perspectives. The authors lay out a compelling argument that these are the filters we must apply to fully understand today's current risk environments and residual impacts. Specific case studies are included to demonstrate beneficial risk management approaches designed to help private and public entities attack today's emerging risks."

Yvette K. Connor, Managing Director, Alvarez & Marsal