Handbook for Muni-Bond Issuers

Handbook for Muni-Bond Issuers


The Handbook for Muni-Bond Issuers provides professionals with succinct guidance on what issuers need to know before beginning the issuance process. It features step-by-step guidelines in choosing a method of sale, getting the right financial advice, disclosure and legal guidelines, and lowering the cost of financing. It includes a detailed discussion of what happens prior to a sale through what to expect after the close. This book also provides an insider's perspective on what to expect from regulators and earning a high credit rating.

Praise for Handbook for Muni-Bond Issuers

"This is a book for anyone—even investors without specialized financial backgrounds--who need to understand what all the noise is about in a bond sale."

— Frank R. HoadleyCapital Finance Director, State of Wisconsin

"The Handbook for Muni-Bond Issuers is what public finance professionals want to have on their shelves, both a good read and a useful reference. Joe Mysak treats the fundamentals—and the foibles—of the municipal bond market in clear, concise language and takes time to tour some frequently bypassed, but very practical subjects, like winning bond elections and investing bond proceeds."

— John PetersenPresident, Government Finance Group

"Joe Mysak has written the new bible for municipal bond issuers. The search is over--this book provides clear guidance and smart answers for everyone in the field."

James B. G. HeartyManaging Director, Lehman Brothers