Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek

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Hide and Seek: The Psychology of Self-Deception

Self-deception is common and universal, and the cause of most human tragedies. The science of self-deception can help us live better but it can also cast a murky light on human nature and the human condition, for example, on such exclusively human phenomena as anger, depression, fear, pity, pride, dream making, lovemaking, and god making, not to forget age-old philosophical problems such as selfhood, virtue, happiness, and the good life. Nothing could possibly be more important. Grab your copy of Hide and Seek for a new understanding of yourself and other people.

Praise for Hide and Seek

"Burton provides an excellent explanation of how we use psychological defense mechanisms to protect ourselves from painful truths."

The Psychiatrist

"Burton guides the reader to unlearn, rediscover, and return to wholeness. It is a journey out of Plato's cave."

The International Review of Books

"Burton is never short of an interesting and sharp judgment."

Professor Peter Toohey, Psychology Today

"I've read many Neel Burton books. He's a wonderful writer and able to immerse you lightly in the pretty heavy stuff."

Adrian Bailey, Vine Voice

"Burton’s writing blends deep knowledge of his subject with lively anecdote and a genuine concern for how we might draw on the insights of psychology and philosophy to live a better life. Highly recommended!"

Gareth Southwell, philosopher and writer