How to Fly a Horse

How to Fly a Horse

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How to Fly a Horse: The Secret History of Creation, Invention, and Discovery

To create is human. In "How to Fly a Horse," Technology pioneer Kevin Ashton demystifies the sacred act, leading us on a journey through humanity’s greatest creations to uncover the surprising truth behind who creates and how they do it.

  • To create is human
  • Technology pioneer Kevin Ashton has experienced firsthand the all-consuming challenge of creating something new
  • Atour-de-force narrative twenty years in the making
  • Ashton demystifies the sacred act of innovation
  • Ashton leads us on a journey through humanity’s greatest creations to uncover the surprising truth behind who creates and how they do it.
  • Ashton showcases the seemingly unremarkable individuals, gradual steps, multiple failures, and countless ordinary and usually uncredited acts that lead to our most astounding breakthroughs.
  • essential reading for would-be creators and innovators, and also a passionate and immensely rewarding exploration of how “new” comes to be.

The Book Discusses

  • The crystallographer’s laboratory where the secrets of DNA were first revealed
  • Te Ohio bicycle shop where the Wright brothers set out to “fly a horse,” 
  • Mozart to the Muppets
  • Archimedes to Apple
  • Kandinsky to a can of Coke, How to Fly a Horse