How to Forecast Gold and Silver Using the Wave Principle

How to Forecast Gold and Silver Using the Wave Principle

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How to Forecast Gold and Silver Using the Wave Principle: All of Robert Prechter’s Real-Time Metals Commentary During the Bear

How to Forecast Gold and Silver shows you what matters and what doesn't when you want to invest in precious metals. It shows you all of Prechter's real-time calls for gold and silver during that 22-year span. In exquisite detail, you see exactly what Bob saw at the time and learn exactly why he made those forecasts. Every forecast delivers valuable insight into the real-time application of the Wave Principle, an insight that helps you understand and apply Elliott to the markets you follow today.

"Robert Prechter has been right on target for almost the whole of the gold bear market, having called previous major turning points almost to the exact dollar, which is a feat I believe to be unequalled by any other forecaster (and I read most of them).

— Australian Investors Digest

"Elliott Wave Forecasting has enabled Prechter to make some remarkably accurate calls. In January of last year,,, for example, he predicted gold would son peak at just over $500 an ounce. It hit $5111 on Feb. 15 and within two weeks fell to $408."

— Money magazine

"We can't ignore the brilliant work turned out by The Elliott Wave Theorist. By anybody's standards, Prechter's work has to be considered tops. His best predictions have been with gold, but his DJI projections are also very impressive."

— Rating the Stock Selectors

"Elliott Wave Forecasting has enabled Prechter to make some remarkably accurate calls. In January of last year,,, for example, he predicted gold would son peak at just over $500 an ounce. It hit $5111 on Feb. 15 and within two weeks fell to $408."

— Money magazine

"We can't ignore the brilliant work turned out by The Elliott Wave Theorist. By anybody's standards, Prechter's work has to be considered tops. His best predictions have been with gold, but his DJI projections are also very impressive."

— Rating the Stock Selectors