Iceland's Secret is the ultimate financial thriller authored by Jared Bibler, the international financial investigator who led the inquiry into the collapse and who brought the banks to justice after uncovering the world’s largest stock market abuse scandals ever to be prosecuted. The book exposes the alleged corruption and greed of Icelandic bankers, which he claims led to the country's economic downfall. It also offers a unique perspective on the events, contrasting Iceland's struggles with the broader 2008 financial crisis. Iceland’s Secret is a must-read for those interested in financial corruption on a massive scale, the shocking extent of human greed, and how an ongoing failure to address white-collar crime could result in a second, far worse financial crisis in the coming years.
"Jaw-dropping... A fantastic read. An eye-opener and a cautionary tale."
— Ian Frase, Financial Times
"Like The Big Short, but bigger."
— Business Matters
"A killer read... A thrilling saga."
— Tom Ashbrook, U.S. broadcasting legend
"A moral tale about the depths of human greed."
— Kirkus Reviews
"Nordic noir but with bankers going to jail... Amazingly, it's all true."
— Russell Napier, bestselling author
Jared Bibler is one of the leading investors of the largest financial crimes in the world.
He is a finance specialist who helped investigate corporate malfeasance in the wake of Iceland’s 2008 financial crash.
He has nearly 20 years of broad experience in the global financial markets.
He started his career in Boston and New York, where he worked as a consultant to a Wall Street giant.