Market Pinball Wizard

Market Pinball Wizard

The Market Pinball Wizard is designed to help investors stay one step ahead of the market, based on Avi Gilburt's many years of experience with a strategy called Elliott Wave Analysis. The premium newsletter takes Elliott Wave Theory to the next level, adding Gilburt’s Fibonacci Pinball method to provide a stronger framework. It empowers you to use this analysis in your investing, whether you are long-term oriented, trading, or somewhere in between. Through The Market Pinball Wizard, members gain a more real-time understanding of where the market is likely heading.


  • Daily S&P 500 Directional Analysis. 

Every day, Gilburt shares his views on what the market is telling us about what comes next so we keep a near-term orientation.

  • Intraweek Metals Analysis. 

A look at the metals complex and its direction to stay on top of any opportunities in an exciting area.

  • Weekly Expanded Analysis. 

S&P 500, metals, USO, and USD. After the weekly trading dust settles, these pieces keep our gaze focused on the big picture, so we never lose sight of the opportunities ahead.

  • Weekly Live Member Webinars. 

Video calls where Gilburt walks you through the charts he is tracking, both so you can better understand the calls and approaches and, more importantly, so you can see how to do this all yourself.

  • Chat Room. 

An active and fun member chat room in case you have questions to ask or want to weigh in on an idea.


  • Avi Gilburt is a widely-followed Elliott Wave technical analyst and the Founder of ElliottWaveTrader, a live trading room and member forum.

  • He specializes in identifying the major turning points and market trends so you can invest more confidently while applying appropriate risk management

  • He is particularly known for identifying a standardized method to trade waves 3-5 with extraordinary accuracy once waves 1 and 2 are in place.