Monetary and Economic Policy Problems Before, During, and After the Great War

Monetary and Economic Policy Problems Before, During, and After the Great War


Monetary and Economic Policy Problems Before, During, and After the Great War contains Mises’s policy memoranda, essays, and speeches that were found in a formerly secret KGB archive in Moscow. An appendix to the volume includes a curriculum vitae that Mises’s great-grandfather prepared for the Habsburg emperor in 1881 as part of his ennoblement, which gave him and his heirs the hereditary title of “Edler von.” Also included is a talk that Mises delivered at his private seminar in his office at the Vienna Chamber of Commerce in the spring of 1934 on the topic of the methodology of the social sciences.

The articles have two primary focuses:

  • First, they reveal Mises’s thoughts on the monetary, fiscal, and general economic policy problems of the Austro-Hungarian Empire before and during World War I.
  • Second, they focus on his thoughts on the new postwar Austrian Republic after the dismantling of the Habsburg monarchy.