Morningstar DividendInvestor

Parent Entity

Morningstar DividendInvestor is a monthly newsletter featuring portfolios that are invested in line with a dividend select strategy. It features the Dividend Select six-figure real-money portfolio that aims to produce income while taking on lower risk. In every issue, subscribers will receive in-depth editorial on income-generating industries and a watchlist of dividend stocks that could potentially fit with the portfolios’ investment mandates.

Morningstar DividendInvestor subscription includes:

Monthly Issues

In each issue, you'll get commentary on current events that are relevant to a dividend select strategy and data, statistics, and research published by Morningstar, Inc. 

Strategy in Action 

Each DividendInvestor newsletter reflects Morningstar, Inc.'s activity in portfolios it has that are invested in accordance with a Dividend select strategy.

Free Investing Reports

Two investment supplements are provided to help you make the most of your subscription.

 DividendInvestor Online

Access to Morningstar DividendInvestor's companion Website, where you can download the current issue before it arrives in your mailbox. You can also access running intra-issue commentary and manage your email alerts.

E-mail Alerts

When a change occurs in either of Morningstar, Inc.’s Dividend Select Portfolios, you can sign-up to receive an email alert. Additionally, you can sign up for intra-issue commentary on current events that are relevant to a Dividend select strategy and data, statistics, and research published by Morningstar, Inc.