Only the Best Will Do

Only the Best Will Do

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Only the Best Will Do: The compelling case for investing in quality growth businesses

Only the Best Will Do tells you everything you need to know about the art of quality growth investing, written by master investor Peter Seilern. With practical advice on how to reliably deliver steady and strong growth for the long term, it also has insights on how to narrow down listed stocks to the select elite that belong in a quality growth investor’s portfolio. This book also includes information on shares, as they also upend conventional wisdom on the merits of diversification, and reveal typical index-hugging fund management. Only the Best Will Do provides quality growth business instructions to make your investments work while minimizing the risk of permanent loss of capital, from the author’s own experience in the financial markets.

Table of Contents

Foreword by Jonathan Davis

Introduction: A Superior Way to Invest

Part I. Why

  • Chapter 1: Higher Returns and Lower Risk

  • Chapter 2: The Bigger Picture

Part II. How

Part III. When and Where

  • Chapter 6: Quality Growth in Context

  • Chapter 7: Financial Markets Today

  • Chapter 8: Conclusion