Powering Prosperity

Powering Prosperity

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Powering Prosperity: A Citizen’s Guide to Shaping the 21st Century

Since the Global Financial Crisis, we have been approaching a crossroads in modern human history. The top 1% of people own more than half of the world’s wealth, while hundreds of millions suffer from extreme poverty. Governments quarrel over the politics of environmental policy, even as climate change poses an existential threat to life on the planet. Powering Prosperity provides a new framework for understanding the world’s challenges and the choices societies must make to address them.

Powering Prosperity discusses the following:

  • Will we surrender to the advance of populism and authoritarianism or will we insist on inclusive governance?
  • Will we fall victim to existential threats such as climate change or will we invest in sustainable solutions?
  • Will we forget ailing communities or will we harness their innovative potential and entrepreneurial energy?