Quick-turn Marketing

Quick-turn Marketing

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Quick-turn Marketing: How To Maximize Your Profits In Minimum Time!

Dan Lok will teach you to use financial statements to make informed, intelligent, and strategic business and investment decisions. Quick-turn Marketing supplies you with tips and strategies that you can use to maximize your profits in no time. Some of the advice given include: Think strategically, Financial literacy is the key to lifelong financial success, Think time, and Master the wealth cycle.

Top 10 Reasons to Read Quick-Turning Marketing
10. Because working at a job till you retire sucks
9. Pretending to know how to market properly takes a lot of time, energy, and money
8. Will get you popular at parties--no need to rely on knock-knock jokes
7. You want to get in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's best marketer/successful businessperson
6. No animals were forced to cold call during this project
5. It's cheaper than 57 doughnuts and won't add to your waistline
4. Way more fun than electroshock therapy
3. It's a kick in the pants-the financial pants
2. You want to see what all the fuss is about
1. It works