Rational Bear

Rational Bear

Parent Entity

Tony Sagami’s Rational Bear comes from the Prudent Bear fund started by Mauldin Economics friend and collaborator David Tice. Tony’s outstanding market analysis and actionable recommendations bring exactly the kind of trend-trading ability and market acumen investors need as they move forward into the critical last stages of what John Mauldin calls the Debt Transformation. Tony Sagami’s Rational Bear is a powerful tool you can use to both protect your portfolio and keep it growing regardless of your standing as a professional or advanced individual investor and regardless of what the market throws at us next.

  • With Rational Bear, you get the best of both worlds: Bear market strategies to protect your portfolio against market declines, as well as targeted ways to profit from overvalued stocks in uncorrected bull markets.

  • Rational Bear is perfect for investors who look to benefit from a hedge mechanism, which protects long positions in your portfolio and will generate profits from overvalued stocks taking a tumble.

  • In his new Rational Bear letter, Tony focuses on three specific types of scenarios present in the environment we’re experiencing today.


  • Reverse Momentum Plays. These are stocks headed down that could continue lower for some time due to trend continuation.

  • Buggy Whip Companies. These are companies in structural decline, being passed by as business cycles evolve. (Buggy whips, obviously, became obsolete as the Model T rolled off production lines.)

  • Enron Hunter Plays. These are balance sheet anomalies, including outright frauds-seeking out this market's Enrons and WorldComs.