Rich Dad Poor Dad for Teens

Rich Dad Poor Dad for Teens

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Rich Dad Poor Dad for Teens: The Secrets about Money—That You Don't Learn in School!

Chock full of straight talk and sidebars, Rich Dad Poor Dad for Teens will jumpstart a child’s personal and financial success. This book is all about making smart choices. It teaches readers the language of money, ways to make money work, tips for success, and why games can help understand money, investing, and ways to choose the best path to financial freedom. No one is ever too young to learn the language of money, and so the wisdom from this book will be perfect for even the young ones.

"What makes this book unique is his approach to how he thinks about accumulating wealth and about having money work for the earner. "Poor Dad" accepts the notion that he will never be rich and thinks that "money doesn't matter." "Rich Dad" thinks that "money is power." Teens are encouraged to be creative in developing ways to earn cash and to limit spending. A chapter on identifying individual strengths and learning styles while developing a financial IQ on the path to financial freedom is a lesson for any age. Sidebars and quizzes promote individual ideas and concepts. Teens will be attracted by the notion of playing games to learn more about acquiring assets and managing money. The glossary clearly explains financial terms. An entertaining and informative book."

— Kathleen A. Nester, Downingtown High Ninth Grade Center, PA