Rich Dad's Guide to Investing

Rich Dad's Guide to Investing

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Rich Dad's Guide to Investing: What the Rich Invest in, That the Poor and the Middle Class Do Not!

Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing explores the basic rules of investing, teaches readers how to reduce their investment risk, and how to convert their hard earned income into passive income. It also includes Rich Dad’s 10 Investor Controls. The Rich Dad philosophy stresses on a key distinction between managing your money and growing it. Now, understanding key principles of investing is the first step in creating and growing wealth, and this book delivers all that. It provides guidance, not guarantees, to help anyone begin the process of becoming an active investor on the road to financial freedom.

Rich Dad's Guide to Investing will reveal: 

Rich Dad's basic rules of investing

How to reduce your investment risk

Rich Dad's 10 Investor Controls

How to convert your ordinary income into passive and portfolio income

How you can be the ultimate investor

How to turn your ideas into multimillion-dollar businesses

How and why many people today will go bankrupt