Rising to the Challenge

Rising to the Challenge

Full Name
Rising to the Challenge: My Leadership Journey

Drawing on her experience as a pioneering business and nonprofit leader, a politically active citizen, and a parent, Carly Fiorina diagnoses the largest problem facing our country today: untapped potential. With warmth and compassion, she provides a vision that reaches across the usual barriers of gender, race, income, and party affiliation to craft a message that appeals to a wide range of Americans: a message of hope. Her story—and her ideas—will restore hope to those discouraged about the future.

“Carly is a courageous and thoughtful leader with a track record of delivering the kind of transformational change—within bureaucracies and within industries—that our politics and policymakers need. Her unique background makes her a compelling voice within the conservative movement.”

Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives

“One of Carly’s greatest strengths is that she has never served in elected office. Her frame of reference was shaped by the real world, not politics.”

Tom Coburn, former U.S. senator (R-Oklahoma)

“[Carly’s] commonsense approach and sharp business skills make her exactly the kind of leader we need.”

Senator James M. Inhofe (R-Oklahoma)

“Carly embraces and advances the rights of women and unborn children, following in the footsteps of the earliest women in politics. Susan B. Anthony and the early feminists understood, as Carly Fiorina does, that undermining the rights of one never advances the rights of another.”

Marjorie Dannenfelser, President, Susan B. Anthony List