Short-Side Fortunes

Short-Side Fortunes

Short-Side Fortunes is an investment newsletter that offers the chance to make money that’s off-the-charts crazy for those willing to break the old “buy and hold” rule. Shah Gilani introduces a new way of investing – with profits you never thought possible – that will allow you to make huge money when asset classes flip direction – no matter which way they turn. Short-Side Fortunes provides a service that will help you make massive profits when making flip trades, or trading when asset prices fall.

Short-Side Fortunes examples on flipping for massive profits:

  • 1,650% gains from Whole Foods.

  • 6,871% trading DXP Enterprises.

  • 1,300% trading AOL.

  • 880% from Twitter.

  • 630% trading Aetna Insurance.

  • 1,215% trading 3M Company.