Southern Oregon Timber

Southern Oregon Timber

Full Name
Southern Oregon Timber: The Kenneth Ford Family Legacy

Southern Oregon Timber explores the evolution of logging and the challenges faced by the hearty men and women who plied this trade. This book chronicles the Kenneth Ford family legacy—how they rose from humble beginnings with a single sawmill during the Great Depression and helped transform Oregon’s timber industry. The Fords founded one of the largest privately-owned wood-products companies in the country, bringing the title "Timber Capital of the Nation" to Roseburg, Oregon. Their legacy remains today through the Ford Family Foundation, dedicated to educational grants and community improvements.


Foreword Donna Watkins, 11

Acknowledgements, 15

The Loggers Nelson Reed, 17

Introduction, 19

1 Early Timber Cruising, 21

2 Of Mills and Men, 34

3 A Balancing Act, 47

4 Willamette Valley, 54

5 Sawdust in the Veins, 59

6 Bucking the Trend in Roseburg, 70

7 World War II, 86

8 Postwar Booms and Expansion, 94

9 Plying His Trade, 107

10 Cutting Edge, 117

11 Run of the Mill, 124

12 Out on a Limb, 132

13 Transitioning, 138

14 A Firm Foundation, 145

15 Sustainable Yields, 151

Bibliography, 153

Index, 157

About the Author, 159