Stack Silver Get Gold

Stack Silver Get Gold

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Stack Silver Get Gold - How to Buy Gold and Silver Bullion without Getting Ripped Off!

Stack Silver Get Gold is the ultimate bible for both first time and long time precious metal investors. This is the resource for everything related to buying gold and silver bullion. It contains precious metals investing basics—from the types to buy and sell to where you should store your gold and silver. It also tells tax strategies, IRS reporting requirements, travel restrictions, and how to get around them. Everything you need to know about precious metal investing is here.

"Excellent book. Covers all one would need to know about buying and selling gold and silver. Easy to read and understand."

— GW

This very strategic and detailed book has everything you need to know about silver and gold bullion investing basics and how to sell gold and silver.

— AC

Of the several books that I have purchased on this subject, this one is by far my favorite. Precise and to the point. Not endless pages of filler and repeated information. I highly recommend this book as the only book on the subject that anyone needs.

— SM

"Stack Silver Get Gold will become the bible for both first time and long time precious metal investors. Tons of useful information and very well written. You have a real winner in this book."

— Bill Zielinski,  Editor, GoldandSilverBlog