The Beginners Guide to Saving and Investing for Canadians

The Beginners Guide to Saving and Investing for Canadians


The Beginners Guide to Saving and Investing for Canadians is a beginner's guide that provides all the necessary information on budgeting and saving, RRSP's and pensions, investing types, insurance, and more. It brings together the collective experience of Canada's foremost personal finance bloggers and online publishers, each of whom writes about his or her particular area of expertise.

Step 1: How to Save

Krystal Yee shows you how to create a budget. You will learn how to manage your money and find where you're going to get the money to save.

Step 2: Where to Save

In clear, understandable language, Jim Yih leads readers through RRSP's, RESP's, mutual funds, and the rest of the bewildering array of investment choices available.

Step 3: What to Save

Ram Balakrishnan introduces readers to passive investing, the investing style recommended by academics and consumer advocates but ignored by the investment industry. 

Step 4: Protect What You Save

Glenn Cooke removes the sales hype and emotions behind insurance purchases and shows readers how to evaluate life insurance, disability insurance, and critical illness insurance using basic insurance principles.