The Big Birthday Surprise

The Big Birthday Surprise

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The Big Birthday Surprise: Junior Discovers Giving (Life Lessons with Junior)

The Big Birthday Surprise is the third of four books in the Life Lessons with Junior series, focused on giving. In the book, Junior and Michelle go with their teacher to deliver food to a local orphanage, where Junior meets a boy who has no toys. When he receives many gifts and a lot of money for his birthday, Junior thinks about all he has and decides to share. Author Dave Ramsey teaches children about the many ways to give to others, not only with their money but also with their time. The Birthday Surprise is recommended for kids ages 3-10.

  • The Birthday Surprise is the third installment of The Life Lessons with Junior series — a four book series created to teach basic principles about money to children of all ages.

  • Each book in The Life Lessons with Junior series has practical tips for parents to use as they teach their children these life-changing principles.

  • From working and saving, to giving and spending, these wonderful stories will teach real life “stuff” and the stories are so fun, children won’t even know they’re learning.

  • This book is illustrated by award-winning cartoonist Marshall Ramsey.