The Fix

The Fix

Full Name
The Fix: How Bankers Lied, Cheated and Colluded to Rig the World's Most Important Number

The Fix unfolds the inside story of the Libor scandal, the "world's most important number" and the basis for $350 trillion of securities from mortgages to loans to derivatives. Told through the journey of a young, scruffy, socially awkward misfit from England whose brilliance for math and obsessive personality made him a trading phenomenon, but eventually set the stage for his own undoing.

"Told with the verve and panache of a thriller. Genuinely brilliant."

The Telegraph

"A great read. Buy this book!"

The Times

"Genuinely brilliant. No one comes out of this story well—not the traders, not their management teams, not the regulators that were asleep on their watch and not the politicians that allowed them to nod off. Vaughan and Finch, who reported on this scandal every step of the way, have peeled back the complexity and jargon in which the fixers cloaked themselves to reveal a rotten worm at the heart of finance."

— Ben Wright, Group Business Editor, The Telegraph

"A great read. If you want to know how and why banks ended up paying billions of pounds for fiddling a number most people had never heard of, then buy this book!"

Harry Wilson, City Editor, The Times

"Vaughan and Finch deliver a compelling narrative of the biggest financial manipulation in history. I loved it!"

Dan Hertzberg, Pulitzer-winning former Senior Deputy Managing Editor of The Wall Street Journal

"One hell of an entertaining, captivating, and detail-rich account of one of the defining financial market scandals of last 20 years."

John LeFevre, author of Straight to Hell and the man behind @GSElevator

"Picking out the heroes and villains from a tale as complex as the Libor saga is not as straightforward as it may seem. The Fix offers some interesting insights on where the finger of blame ought to really point."

Iain Dey, Business The Sunday Times

"This is the defining, fly-on-the-wall account of how traders colluded to move a number at the heart of global finance. Vaughan and Finch put you in the room as traders brag, make high stakes bets and eventually come undone. I couldn't put it down."

Matt Turner, Deputy Editor for Finance and Markets, Business Insider

"The Fix is today's Liar's Poker. Based on meticulous reporting, it deals with an urgent topic — how the global financial markets, which touch all of our lives, have been manipulated. It gives us a window into the unseen world of traders and takes us behind the scenes of the arcane numbers of the market to the flesh and blood people who determine them."

Andre Spicer, Professor of Organizational Behavior, Cass Business School