The Glossary of International Grain Trading

The Glossary of International Grain Trading

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The Glossary of International Grain Trading - Trading concepts and technical terms for those starting out in grain & agricultural commodities trade

The Glossary of International Grain Trading is an excellent primer to the gain industry. It provides a superb and simplified intelligence for people who are eager to quickly understand the grain market in a broad view. As food security becomes increasingly more of an issue for many countries, the importance of the grain industry will only increase further, as evidenced by the entry of massive conglomerates such as Glencore and the continued expansion of "agri-giants" like ADM, Cargill and Bunge. The Glossary of International Grain Trading is an easy reference guide that details all the core concepts and terminology of the booming “agribusiness” sector.

This guide is broken into the following easy to understand sections:

  • Grain & commodity trading concepts such as basis, nearby month, and inverted market.
  • Grain characteristics and processing concepts such as test weight, falling number, flour milling, malting & oilseed crushing.
  • Major players in the grain industry such as the "ABCDs" (ADM, Bunge, Cargill and Dreyfus).
  • Key contracting and shipping terminology such as the major Incoterms and ocean freight concepts.