
The Great Reckoning

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The Great Reckoning: Protect Yourself in the Coming Depression

The Great Reckoning is an essential guide that analyzed the possible final depression of the twentieth century. With the prediction that the 1990s would be a time of political, economic, social, and financial upheaval, authors Davidson and Rees-Mogg have devised a plan for thriving in difficult times. It features hundreds of investment tips and forecasts, offering readers ways to build a solid financial foundation. This book provides indispensable information for surviving and prospering in lean times and the possibility of economic crisis.

The authors told that in times of crisis, prepared individuals can prosper if they know:

  • The secrets of metapolitics -- how technology will revolutionize economic and social institutions
  • Which businesses will thrive and which will fail
  • How to build a financial foundation in a time of economic crisis