The Great Unraveling

The Great Unraveling

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The Great Unraveling: Losing Our Way in the New Century

The Great Unraveling chronicles the dangers of an administration that has raised dishonesty to dizzying heights.This national bestseller exposes the devastating facts that speak for themselves—from identifying the flaws in George W. Bush's economic plans, to telling the story behind California's energy crisis, to revealing the administration's reasons for going to war in Iraq. This book offers compelling justification for Krugman’s criticisms and sets the first years of the twenty-first century in a stark new light.

“A rigorously argued, angrily eloquent, fiercely patriotic book.”

Boston Sunday Globe

Paul Krugman is the indispensable American columnist, a voice of truth in a political world of lies and calculated injustice. This book is even better. It makes the case, unrestrained by deference, that a revolutionary right-wing movement is out to transform the United States-and is succeeding, rolling over a supine press and political opposition.”

Anthony Lewis

Paul Krugman is the great discovery of recent American journalism. Lively, lucid, witty, superbly informed, his commentary on the state of the union is required reading for anyone concerned about the American future.”

Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.

“The title of Paul Krugman's The Great Unraveling might well have been The Great Usurpation. In a republic hijacked by the radical right whose leaders reject the legitimacy of our current political system, Paul Krugman's coruscant book calls for a "great revulsion" across the land before it is too late.”

David Levering Lewis, author of W.E.B. DuBois: Biography of a Race

“If I had a tenth of Paul Krugman's brain and a twentieth of his courage, I'd be the happiest person on the face of the Earth.”

James Carville

“The new Krugman book documents why this top-drawer academic economist deserves at least one Pulitzer Prize for his accurate Times op-ed columns that are a lone voice, telling things as they are and debunking Washington policies that are neither compassionate nor conservative. Plutocratic democracy is in the saddle. Rx. Krugman twice a week and in this coherent sum-up on relevant 2003-2010 economics. Buy. Read. Ponder. Benefit.”

Paul A. Samuelson, Institute Professor Emeritus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology