The Knock-On Effect

The Knock-On Effect

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This weekly program shows why finance matters to everyone, and not just to bankers or traders. In each episode, viewers will learn why one event that we've all heard about could lead to something else entirely unexpected. The Knock-On Effect: Where we start with the thing you know, and end up in a strange place.

Some of The Knock-On Effect Episodes tackle:

  1. Why will higher oil prices result in disappointed craft beer drinkers?

  2. Why will changing Chinese demographics lead to an increase of plastic strips in doorways?

  3. Why will a rising dollar lead to a proliferation of ice cream flavors that go far beyond vanilla?

  4. Why will higher stock prices lead more American to pick feet?

  5. Why will rising concerns about China's trade-related retaliation lead diamonds to become clearer?

  6. Why might the rise in urbanization lead to growth in Indian exports?

  7. If the trade war winds down, why might we see more security measures on wine bottles?

  8. If the Republicans maintain control of Congress, why might it become easier to buy stolen goods by accident?

  9. What does cheaper South African biltong have to do with a rally in large-cap U.S. tech stocks?

  10. Why does increased NASA funding mean Qatar could lose an honor?