The Leadership Pipeline

The Leadership Pipeline

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The Leadership Pipeline: How to Build the Leadership Powered Company

Strong leaders at all levels within an organization are a requisite for business success. Yet the leadership pipeline—the internal architecture for growing leaders—is often broken or nonexistent. The Leadership Pipeline is a critical resource for how companies can grow leaders from the inside. This book helps address the challenges of today's business environment. Anchored in experience, it offers a tested model for planning leadership succession and development that has proven to get results. The Leadership Pipeline shows how today's companies can keep their leadership pipeline filled and flowing to ensure a steady supply of skilled leaders throughout the organization.

"Management Development 101―but only if you have read the book and understood and acted on the processes so clearly articulated. While these are first principles, it is very useful to have them set out. I have seen them work to great effect in several companies."

John B. Prescott, chairman, QR National Limited

"The wisdom added to this second edition is based on experience working with many of the best companies in the world. Whether you are a first-time reader or rejoining the conversation, this book adds critical points and answers that can be used immediately in your leadership work to make your business better. Charan, Drotter, and Noel make clear what can be confusing about the work of a leader at every level."

Tom Flanagan, president and CEO, Applied Insight Consulting, Inc.

"The Leadership Pipeline has the ability to transform a company. The leadership concepts are enduring and simple enough that managers at every level can quickly grasp what it means to be a highly effective leader. The authors, Charan, Drotter, and Noel, are true leadership development 'gurus' and continue to provide us with the best thinking in developing the world's future generation of business leaders."

Abby Curnow-Chavez, vice president of talent management, Newmont Mining Corporation