The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

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The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams & Reaching Your Destiny

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari celebrates the story of Julian Mantle, a successful but misguided lawyer whose physical and emotional collapse propels him to confront his life. The result is an engaging odyssey on how to release your potential and live with passion, purpose, and peace. A brilliant blend of timeless wisdom and cutting-edge success principles, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is a guide for the times, as countless Canadians dedicate themselves to living a life where family, work, and personal fulfillment are achieved in harmonious balance.

Praise for The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

"A captivating story that teaches as it delights."

Paulo Coelho, author of The Alchemist

"A fun, fascinating adventure into the realms of personal development, personal effectiveness, and individual happiness. It contains treasures of wisdom that can enrich and enhance the life of every single person."

Brian Tracy, author of Maximum Achievement

"A magnificent book. Robin S. Sharma is the next Og Mandino."

Dottie Walters, author of Speak and Grow Rich

"A treasure--an elegant and powerful formula for true success and happiness. Sharma has captured the wisdom of the ages and made it relevant for these turbulent times. I couldn't put it down."

— Joe Tye, author of Never Fear, Never Quit

"Nothing less than sensational. This book will bless your life."

Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul

"Robin Sharma has created an enchanting tale that incorporates the classic tools of transformation into a simple philosophy of living. A delightful book that will change your life." 

Elaine St. James, author of Simplify Your Life and Inner Simplicity

"There is something about reading life's lessons in fable form that makes the journey more compelling. Robin Sharma takes simplicity and wisdom to new heights in this story of man's search for meaning in the midst of modern-day life."

Janet Luhrs, author of The Simple Living Guide