The Next Millionaire Next Door is an illuminating and practical read that demystifies the “secret” to building wealth. In this book, Dr. Thomas J. Stanley and Dr. Sarah Stanley Fallaw highlights how specific decisions, behaviors, and characteristics align with the discipline of wealth building, covering areas such as consumption, budgeting, careers, investing, and financial management in general. They include results from quantitative studies of wealth as well as case studies of individuals who have been successful in building wealth. The book also covers general paths to building wealth on your own, focusing specifically on careers and lifestyles associated with each path, and what it takes to be successful in each. The Next Millionaire Next Door provides data-backed insights into what it takes to become the millionaire next door today.
Identifying and ignoring the myths about wealth and income
Understanding how those around you influence your financial behaviors
Living below your means
Identifying and developing your own behaviors that are conducive to building wealth
Finding careers and opportunities that allow for both economic and lifestyle-related freedom
Gaining knowledge and composure to invest and grow wealth