Unlimited Sales Success

Unlimited Sales Success

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Unlimited Sales Success: 12 Simple Steps for Selling More Than You Ever Thought Possible

Don’t fall for the trap—there is no single secret to finding untold sales success. Unlimited Sales Success shares practical, time-tested principles that can be learned and utilized by anyone. Loaded with eye-popping facts, extremely beneficial exercises, and exhilarating stories of great selling techniques in action, this book will provide for you a use-it-now approach that will set you up for becoming a top sales professional in your industry today.

Highlighting practical, time-tested principles including:
  • The psychology of selling: your own mindset is just as important as your customer’s
  • Personal sales planning and time management: whether you work for yourself or someone else, great planning equals great success
  • Prospecting power: get more and better appointments
  • Consultative and relationship selling: position yourself as a partner with the account
  • Identifying needs accurately: you’ll know how to arouse their interest and overcome objections
  • Influencing customer behavior: learn what triggers quick buying decisions
  • Closing the sale: the five best methods ever discovered