Fisher Equation

Fisher Equation

Parent term

The Fisher Equation determines long-term interest rates

Fisher Equation:  Long-Term Treasury Bond Yield = r + e

r = real rate

e = inflationary expectations

Friedman's Extension of the Fisher Effect

  • Monetary Decelerations
    • Monetary Deceleratinos lead to lower bond yields
      • First lower liquidity increases rates
      • Increased rates depress the economy
      • Depressed economy = lower incomes & output
      • Lower incomes & output = lower inflation rate
      • Lower inflation = Lower long-term bond yields
  • Monetary Accelerations
    • Monetary Accelerations lead to higher bond yields
      • First higher liquidity decreases rates
      • Decreased rates jump start the economy
      • Growing economy = higher incomes & output
      • Higher incomes & output = higher inflation rate
      • Higher inflation = High long-term bond yields