Gold to Silver Ratio

Gold to Silver Ratio

Nick Name

The Gold to Silver Ratio tracks the number of silver ounces one can buy for the price of once gold ounce.

  • The ratio tends to rise before a major rally in gold and gold stocks
    • Example:  Gold rose 85% after the ratio his 80 in 2004 to 2006
  • The ratio tends to fall as gold and gold stocks are in bull markets
  • Many believe it provides reliable market guidance for precious metals
    • When the ratio climbs above 80, Silver tends to be a Buy

More Gold-Silver-Ratio Facts

  • Estimated that natural ratio of elements is 17.5 in Earth's Crust
  • ~15:1 has been used by many countries when on the gold/silver standard (Romans, US, France, etc). 

Times of Extreme Readings:

  • 1979 (Low)
  • 1991 (High) - All Time high at height of US recession 
  • 2011 (Low)
  • 2018 (High)