Silent Generation (1925 to 1945)

Silent Generation (1925 to 1945)

Nick Name
Silent Generation
Parent term

The Silent Generation refers to the people born between 1925 and 1945. Known as “traditionalists”, the Silent Generation children grew up in conditions complicated by war and economic downturn, including the Great Depression and World War II. They brought a strong work ethic into factories of industrialized society, having revelled in the highs of the Roaring Twenties that taught them hardships and struggles. Traditionalists value old-time morals, safety, security, and consistency, with the belief that promotions and advancement should be the result of tenure and proven productivity. Most of them have retired from the workforce.

  • Born 1925 - 1942
  • Childhoods in Great Depression and WW2
  • Adults during the "American High" of the late 40s and 50s
  • Got name because they "kept their heads down"
    • World was scary when they grew up - were very well protected
    • Wanted to "work within the system", not change it or build new ones
    • Very well behaved generation - didn't snake much up
  • Notable Members
    • John McCain
    • Colin Powell
    • Nancy Pelosi
    • Martin Luther King, Jr.
    • Elvis Presley
    • Sandra Day O'Connor