Traditional Financial Planning

Traditional Financial Planning

Traditional Financial Planning realigns your current investment portfolios, uses computer-generated asset allocation models, and suggests putting more money into your current savings plan. Based on the assumption that the future will somehow be resembled to the past, this strategy concentrates on examining lifestyle wealth, combined with accumulated wealth in attempts to improve your rate of return and increasing your current savings rate. The rates of return used in the plans are based on the historical returns associated with each class and category of investments. Traditional financial planning still estimates an average annual return for equities of 10% or greater and average annual returns for bonds at over 5%.

  • Invests in a mix of bonds and stocks
  • Belief that stocks are more risky than bonds, but return more
  • As an investor ages, the % of equities is adjusted down an the % of bonds is increased
  • Also relies on indexing vs. stock picking and alpha
  • The strategy seems to work well as long as markets go up
  • The traditional model is popular with automated Robo Advisors