57 Stars

57 Stars

57 Stars is an independent asset manager focused on thematic private capital investments in sectors characterized by long‐term dynamic growth benefiting from innovation, technological disruption, and rapid adaptation. It provides global institutional investors with tailored solutions to complement their existing investment portfolios aimed at enhancing returns while providing risk mitigation. 57 Stars applies a structured investment strategy in building a portfolio of investments.


Shorter duration

A portfolio that combines nascent with mature investments to reduce the negative impact of the J‐curve and providing for a more rapid return of capital

Positioning for alpha generation

Investments across a spectrum of maturities to allow for better insights in weighing risk versus returns and thus to contribute to more significant alpha generation

Portfolio visibility

Inclusion of mature portfolios and direct investments to provide early visibility into the nature of any overall portfolio, and proper levels of risk mitigation through appropriate diversification

Reduced fund-level fees and expenses

Structured investments designed to allow for negotiated and/or structured fee levels advantageous to investors and to ensure proper alignment with investor objectives

Mitigation of risk

Proper diversification intended to mitigate both volatility and risk; structured investments can enhance those benefits of such mitigation by allowing for greater portfolio visibility within a shorter duration timeframe